LED Lighting:  Cost-Savings Every Month

As we discussed in our last newsletter, we strive to bring energy efficient designs to our clients. We want designs that are not only environmentally friendly, but also beneficial to the bottom line of a project. A popular energy-saving component is LED lighting.



Over the last few years, the inefficient incandescent and mercury-containing fluorescent bulb has given way to the highly energy-efficient LED. Breakthroughs in this industry have rapidly expanded every year, resulting in more affordable LED options for any sized hotel project. LEDs have tremendous benefits for hotel owners including the following:
  • Reduced Energy Costs- LEDs use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescents.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs – LEDs last up to 50,000 hours or over 11 years (assumed 12 hours per day).
  • Reduced Cooling Costs – LEDs emit very little heat, which allows HVAC systems to be sized smaller and run less often, further reducing energy costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly – LEDs contain no mercury like standard compact fluorescents.
  • Guaranteed – LEDs typically come with a 3-10-year warranty.

Base4 strives to bring energy-efficient solutions to our clients such as LED lighting. To discuss added value design possibilities for your next project, please contact our office.

Thank you,

Blair Hildahl