Emergency Modular Units Ready Now

How can Emergency Medical Utilize Prefabricated and Modular Construction?

Highlights: Calls for Action

Contact us immediately if you want us to find a hotel for you to convert, or if you have a hotel to convert.
Instant emergency medical triage units available now.
Contact us if you are considering modular hospital rooms.
We’re open to forming innovative partnerships to […]

By |March 23rd, 2020|Hotel Construction, Hotel Design, Hotel Development|0 Comments

Improve Schedules & Budget with Industrialized Construction

The Manufacturing of Construction

Offering lucrative benefits and proven productivity, every developer can benefit from prefabrication

If you have ever used mass timber, wall or roof panels, or other pre-assembled items in your project, then you are an adopter of industrialized construction—better known as offsite, prefabricated, or manufactured construction.

There seems to be some gray area among these terminologies […]

By |March 12th, 2020|Hotel Construction, Hotel Design, Hotel Development|0 Comments

(Almost) 40% Hike in Construction Costs—What to Do?

Construction costs have increased by nearly 5% each year for the last 5 years⁠—a nearly 40% cumulative increase!! This trend most likely will continue to climb in 2020. So, how can developers keep construction costs in check?

In this article, we’ll explore the contributing factors to rising construction costs and good practices for developers to navigate […]

By |March 6th, 2020|Hotel Construction, Hotel Design, Hotel Development|0 Comments