Guestroom Outside Air – What are my options!? (Part 2)

Guestroom Outside Air – What are my options!? (Part 2)
Previously in Part 1 of this series, I briefly described the three most common methods for introducing fresh air into a hotel guestroom; Standard PTAC with open damper (Method #1); PTAC with two-stage system (Method #2); and a Dedicated Outside Air System (Method #3).
In Part 2, we […]

Using Dr PTACs on your next hotel project? Make sure you avoid this costly mistake…

Using Dr. PTACs on your next hotel?  Don’t overlook this potential costly mistake!
Lately, I’ve been asked a lot of questions about the Islandaire Dr. PTAC and Amana’s comparable, DigiAIR PTAC.  These are both fairly new products in the hotel market and we are finding more and more owners that are implementing this equipment into their […]

Turn up the heat in your hotel pool room to SAVE money…

Turn up the heat in your pool room and save money…
It may seem counterintuitive, but by paying a little more to heat your pool room, you may actually be saving money on your hotel utility bills.   The reason for this boils down to one simple word… evaporation. 
A hotel pool room’s dehumidification load comes from […]

Guestroom Outside Air – What are my options!? (Part 1)

Guestroom Outside Air – What are my options!? (Part 1)
We’ve all experienced the comforting sensation of stepping into a hotel guestroom and being met by a rush of fresh clean air as we open the door. First impressions to hotel guests are important and fresh air gives the immediate feelings of clean, cool, and calm […]

Save $58,000 On Hotel Electricity Every Year

On a recent case study of a new prototypical Hampton Inn & Suites, the owner saved an estimated $58,000 in annual electric savings, a 76% savings, by switching from a traditional package including fluorescents and HIDs to LED lighting.
Although, LEDs are slightly more expensive, the additional upfront cost on this project will be paid off […]

Save Money With Free Hotel Cooling

Did you know that allowing your DOAS (dedicated outdoor air system) to deliver cooler air in the summer could actually save you money?
A DOAS uses a separate unit to condition (heat, cool, humidify, dehumidify) all of the outdoor air brought into a building for ventilation and then delivers it to each occupied space. Meanwhile, […]