Hotel Photometric Studies: Smart Lighting to Maximize Your Hotel Environment

In out last newsletter, we discussed LED lighting as a popular energy saving component for hoteliers. Today I expand on how lighting design impacts the overall look and feel of a hotel.

City officials often require hoteliers to show proposed exterior project lighting in order to analyze how new lighting will affect surrounding areas. The placement of light fixtures, the fixture selected, and the corresponding fixture intensity all can be adjusted to meet the overall project design goals. Lighting designers, including our in-house lighting team, use photometric studies to investigate different lighting options. Here is a quick primer on photometric studies:

  • Photometric studies enable architects, lighting designers, and engineers to digitally simulate interior and exterior lighting designs.
  • Photometric studies can replicate the position, intensity, and color of any lighting design.
  • The results of these studies show light/shadow distribution and contrasts between bright and dark zones.


  • Optimize Lighting Selections – You get to visualize the lighting effects in 3d space prior to selecting and installment.
  • Increase Energy Efficiency – Architects and lighting designers can analyze lighting layouts and offer the best alternative to be as energy-efficient as possible.
  • Improve Guest Experience – By identifying the location, fixture type and intensity of light, hoteliers can set the ambience and mood of the space.
  • Improve Safety – Photometric studies identify dark zones that enables lighting designers to improve indoor and outdoor safety. This is especially important in parking lots, walkways and indoor pools.
  • Analyze Surrounding Areas – Photometric studies identify excessive lighting on adjacent properties and surrounding areas prior to installation in case adjustments are desired.

Thank you,

Blair Hildahl